Avatar: The Cost of Adoption
Yet he is chosen. And he does become a Na'vi. He is adopted by Eyra and the Na'vi to fully become one of them. No longer an avatar, he is the real thing.
It's such a beautiful picture of God's adoption of us. He chose us before we stood in awe before Him, and He wanted to adopt us. He wanted us to become one of His family.
Yet Jake Sully could not do so unless his earthly body died. He had to see the corpse of that broken, paralyzed body in order to be fully Na'vi. It wasn't like it was particularly nice, but wouldn't you be attached to your skin and bones, the things that you thought made you - you? But would you see, as Jake did, that it was less than what he was made for? He was made to run. He was made to be free.
We hold on to so many things, things that slow us down, things that cause us to be broken. Yet we must throw them off! The old is gone, the new is come! When we come to God, He does not simply save us. He. Makes. Us. New.
Hebrews 12:1
2 Corinthians 5:17
Luke 5:37-38Romans 12:2
Matthew 11:28-30Jake Sully loved his Na'vi self. He could walk, he could run. He could fly. I don't imagine that he ever looked back at the corpse beside him under the tree of Erya.
Don't look back. You were made for more. Run.
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