Saturday, May 7, 2011

Tangled: Kingdom Identity

Rapunzel is a princess. A lost princess, with not a clue about her true, royal identity. As far as she knows, she's Mother Gothel's daughter. The world beyond is dangerous and forbidden. The kingdom she was born to rule is nowhere to be seen.

You are a royal, a prince or princess child of the King of kings. Stolen by the fall. The true Kingdom, the one in which you should reign, remains invisible to your eyes.

But royalty is the last thing on Rapunzel's mind. And when it practically invades the tower in the form of Flynn Rider's satchel - the one that carries her rightful crown - she hasn't got a clue. She's not sure what to do with the crown. It's foreign to her, as foreign as the man she just stuffed into her wardrobe. She tries wearing it on her arm, but that's definitely not a fit.

Our royalty is foreign to us when we are crowned. We treat it clumsily. There are times when we feel it fits, like the authority granted to us by Jesus Christ (John 14:13) is really ours to own. Even though it's our right, even though it's what we were born for, it doesn't come naturally anymore.

And then she puts it on her head...the music swells...her chameleon friend gawks at the change, then shakes his head. With his disapproval, she takes it off and thinks no more of it.

Our kingdom identity is different. It's different from what we're used to, and it's different from what our friends are used to. And if they don't know what we've been called to, our grasp on our royal calling seems funny to them. They'll tell us that we're pretending, that it's not really us.

Put the crown where it belongs. It's yours. Accept that you are the child of God, and live in your identity. You're a prince. You're a princess. Don't dismiss it just because it doesn't feel right, or because you mess up the first time. Because this is who you were born to be.


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